Jun 10, 2012

Roy Hunter workshop in Bahrain inSeptember : Parts Therapy

I am extremely happy to have Dr. Roy Hunter in Bahrain for the first time in September this year (2012) and I am sure that like me you also are as eager to learn more from his experience, wealth of knowledge and skills.
I am all the more excited as this is not only the first visit to Bahrain but the first one in GCC. I believe that this would be a great opportunity for all of us to not only learn the most amazing hypnosis technique: Parts Therapy, but also get richer from Dr. Roy's experience, knowledge and passion.
Although I am sure that Dr. Roy Hunter needs no introduction, but still, interested one's can read more at http://www.royhunter.com/about_roy_hunter.htm

I am delighted to inform that the training venue will be 'King Hamad University Hospital', the most premier medical institution in Bahrain.

Last but not the least, we'll finish the training with certificates issued directly by Dr. Roy Hunter (Alliance Self Empowerment Inc.):-D
I am excited and waiting to personally welcome you all.

You can check the training confirmation directly at http://www.royhunter.com/training_calendar.htm
I am sure you have already received the details, just in case you haven't find them at http://www.eshofuniconsultants.com/seminar.php

I will be more than happy to attend to any queries that you might have. My contacts: Dr. Puja Taneja, 973-36452942, 973 17002986

Thanks and Regards,


Dr. Puja Taneja Malhotra
Ph.D. Psychology
Psychological Consultant, Trainer & Coach
Eshu Funi Consultants W.L.L.